As one of the world’s leading explorers he has captivated thousands of people through his bestselling books & motivational talks; worldwide. Manser takes a personal approach inspiring an audience. He allows the audience to decide for themselves with which attitude they are going to take on life’s challenges. Through his message of courage, perseverance & attitude, he guides the audience to the realization that being average is just not good enough.
His tales are of adventures without the luxury of a panic button. No excuses to give up. Tales of real life threatening situations which; according to him; makes an adventure a real adventure.
Thousands of people from blue-chip companies to community projects & from schools to non-governmental organizations have been moved by Riaan’s extraordinary, & often hilarious, tales of perseverance & unrelenting resolve. Manser speaks passionately about his adventures, motivating & inspiring all who attend his presentations.
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Please note: Due to Riaan’s daily commitments, he unfortunately cannot entertain private adventure requests. Please feel free to share your amazing ideas and adventures on his Facebook and Twitter pages. He just might take you up on your offer. Thank you for your ongoing support.